Facebook's long-term plan: make Messenger the center of users' online lives. Your short-term plan: position yourself to monetize this revolution in messenger tech innovation. Register for this free VB Live event now and learn how you can make money with Messenger's new features.

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Remember how Facebook told marketers how important Likes and organic reach were? You built your entire Facebook marketing strategy around the promise of that relevant, highly-targeted audience you were going to capture — and now you have to pay to reach the same customers.

So naturally, you're a little skeptical about the promises Facebook is making about Messenger as it hits its goal of 1 billion monthly active users and begins to open the way for brands to use the platform to connect with your customers in multiple ways in a single brand context. But our latest VB Live event has the insights you need into what it takes to harness this newest development.

The biggest change? Just last month, Facebook announced Messenger Buy buttons with a simple check-out process, transforming your Messenger bot into a full-service ecommerce storefront. You're not sending them off into the web to potentially get distracted and wander away once they've shown interest in something you're selling.

Instead customers can plug in the credit card and address information that they've connected to their Messenger profile when they want to purchase something — and experience that special joy instant gratification brings. Facebook is working with all the major payment services companies, including Stripe, PayPal, Braintree, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, to handle transactions securely.

The way your products are displayed is also sexier, with a choice between the gallery-style thumbnail swiping or a custom webpage that sits inside the service — what Facebook is calling "webviews" that offer identity, transaction capabilities, and the ability to draw UI and native buttons and interfaces, as well as retarget your customers with the products and product categories they've already browsed through, or tempt them with new related goodies.

Individual messages featuring products can be shared with other friends on Messenger, and each shared message also features a Buy button. Want to spread the word even farther? Direct people from your Facebook ads directly to your Messenger bots, in a streamlined marketing experience that keeps them tangled up in your brand and their Facebook browsing context. It means offering Messenger-exclusive sales with special discounts to spark even more interest.

With over 30,000 bots now on the platform — up from 11,000 before the launch of the new features — the competitive space is heating up. Join our free VB Live event to learn how to offer your customers a compelling, innovative experience that will make your company money.

Don't miss out!

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In this VB Live event, you'll:

  • Understand the broader digital wallet strategy to connect with customers through chatbots
  • Get valuable tips to spin chatbots into gold
  • Learn the biggest mistake organizations are making with payments through Messenger


  • Neil Ishibashi, Senior Director, Design and Development, Fandango
  • Stewart Rogers, Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat
  • Wendy Schuchart, Moderator, VentureBeat