
Nvidia: We have no plans to support FreeSync

In an interview past PC Perspective (Via Nvidia employees reveal that light-green has absolutely no plans to support FreeSync. This statement should put to rest all rumors of whether Nvidia would support DisplayPort Adaptive Sync regardless of the fact that it is a direct competitor of the G-Sync proprietary standard.

AMD Catalyst Omega Driver 14.50_AMD Freesync Technology A slide from AMD's press deck. @AMD Publc Domain

Adaptive Sync volition not be supported in Nvidia cards - but 'never say never'

In that location was originally some defoliation as to whether DisplayPort Adaptive Sync would become a standard, non-optional feature but that would non appear to be the case. So far Adaptive Sync was an optional feature of the Display Port ane.2a standard. Now here is the interesting matter, Brandish Port 1.three specification is already out. Information technology is an optional feature or a permanent ane with ane.3. It would be a pretty large win for AMD if VESA admitted Adaptive Sync into the permanent standard since and so Nvidia would merely have the option of disabling it via software .

Last twelvemonth at CES, AMD demoed FreeSync technology for the first time and this time around, they are showcasing the tech with design wins from multiple vendors, the biggest of the lot beingness Samsung and LG. A total of 5 Manufacturers are currently (publicly) on-board with FreeSync: Samsung, LG, BenQ, Viewsonic and Nixeus. Nvidia'due south Grand-Sync and AMD'due south FreeSync are technologies aimed at eliminating the obstacles faced by current display technologies. With this tech, you lot should be able to view a very low fps or very loftier fps output without it having stuttering, delay, vehement and much more. Basically, something that should have been mutual identify past at present but really isn't.

From at present on however, both titans have cast their dies and its the market that will dictate who wins at present. Market place sentiment is an extremely powerful factor in the success of any product especially ones then similar. Both techs are similar in nature and I would be surprised if one was obviously superior than the other. This means that it will be mostly market inertia and volume of appurtenances moved that dictates success. AMD has promised around xx unlike monitor models by March (priced cheaper) while Nvidia has a handful of monitors in the market right now (priced higher). If FreeSync gains enough traction then VESA can eventually move to make the standard not-optional, turning the tides with the standard proceeding one.3.


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