
fleur delacour sister

Padma Patil

Age: 21
Blood status: Pure-Blood
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts

Suggested faceclaim: Rukku Nahar, Nazriya Nazim, Alia Bhatt
Suggested house: Sapphire, Citrine
Suggested area of study: Divination, Politics, Magizoology


  • Parvati Patil - Twin Sister. Padma loved her sister dearly, and they had a strong bond growing up. But Padma was secretly excited when she was sorted to a different house when they were in Hogwarts. Padma took it as a chance to explore who she was outside of the context of family. This actually strengthened her relationship with Parvati in the end as they found that they still shared the same values.
  • Cho Chang- Best Friends. Cho became one of Padma's first friends, despite being a year older. It was terrifying being sorted into Ravenclaw without her twin sister, but Cho took her under her wing and made her feel safe and welcomed.
  • Ron Weasley - Dislikes. Ron Weasley completely ruined her Triwizard Yule Ball. One of the biggest events of her teenager years. She knows she overreacted with her frustration back then, but she can't help it, seeing his face still annoys her like no other.

Padma Patilis currently Open For Application

Parvati Patil

Age: 21
Blood status: Pure-Blood
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts
Wand: 9 1/2″ Hazel, Dragon-heart string, very flexible.
Patronus: Blackswan
Boggart: Mummy
Amortentia's smell: Tea, Spearmint, Warm Down Pillows, Led
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts.

+ Eager, Compassionate, Loyal
-  Impressionable, Blunt, Petty

Faceclaim: Banita Sandhu
House: Carnelian
Area of study: Healer
Clubs & Sports: n/a.


  • Padma Patil - Twin sister. Padma was her first best friend but when they were separated by the sorting hat, Padma and Parvati spent less time with each other in campus. Although their relationship never faded, they grew to be their own people. Parvati claims she much enjoys Padma's personality more now.
  • Lavender Brown - Best Friends. Lavender and Parvati were fast friends. Sharing a room in Hogwarts only strengthened their bond. They bonded over fashion, gossip, and their favorite subject, Divination. Parvati thought she almost lost her best friends during the battle, and she never left her side while she was at St. Mungos.
  • Harry Potter - There's a part of Parvati that still holds a grudge against Harry for the highly disappointing date during the Yule Ball. But she's also not so daft as to know that Harry is intrinsically a good human being, for the most part. She finds that there are moments that she bonds with the wizard, namely with his conviction and leadership when he was teaching Dumbledore's Army and the time they shared their misery over their best friends dating.

Parvati Patil is currently Taken by Xy

"I do not care what comes after; I have seen the dragons on the wind of morning."
― Ursula K. Le Guin


Dragon Keeping

  A Dragon Keeper, also knows as dragonologists are magizoologists who specialises in the study of dragons. Dragonologists are often employed in magical wildlife reserves, such as Dragon reserves, like the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary.

    Many useful materials come from dragons, but they are hard to obtain. It takes almost half a dozen wizards just to stun a dragon. Muggles believe that dragons are a mere myth, but have been known on occasion to glimpse these beasts. To prevent them from being seen by Muggles, and to protect them from poaching, dragons are kept on dragon reserves around the world, most of which are far from human habitation. Dragons cannot be domesticated, despite individuals trying to do so.

Retrieved from the official Harry Potter Wiki.

   Dragon Keeping is considered one of the most dangerous careers a Witch or Wizard can ever attempt go master, as Dragons are extremely hard to handle and almost impossible to domesticate. Because of this, Spellcaster University can not guarantee a student's survival through the program, and do not take responsibility of harm or potential death that awaits the students.



  • Each week the student is to submit one of the following:
  • Choose a dragon and describe its appearance, behavior and weaknesses one could use to control and keep it within a reserve.
  • Attempt to domesticate or at least work alongside a dragon to move from one location to another and describe the process. Bring protecting gear and all needed precautions. We do not want another incident.

Fleur Delacour

Age: 24
Blood status: Quarter-Veela
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts

Suggested faceclaim: Josefine Frida Pettersen or Lili Reinhart
Suggested house: Amethyst or Sapphire
Suggested area of study: Fashion, Dance, or Business


  • Gabrielle Delacour - Fleur loves her sister more than anything, and it pains her to see her shy away from her. She knows how easy it is to give into the temptation to use their Veela charm to get what you want more easily, but its not worth it. She admires her sister's ambitions, but wishes she would go about it differently.
  • Bill Weasley- Fleur loves Bill, especially since he is one of the few people who seems past her Veela genes and sees her for who she truly is. A bright mind and determination.
  • Ginny Weasley - Fleur knows Ginny dislikes her, and Fleur sees it as beneath her to fight to get Bill's baby sister's approval. Hopefully the girl will ease up on her once they get to know each other more.

Fleur Delacour is currently Open For Application

Hello tag lurkers! I'm going to be on the main for a few hours. We're a new Harry Potter Universe RP. This group is for those who've always wanted to receive Hogwarts letter, you'll get to play out life in a Wizarding school except in a university...

Hello tag lurkers! I'm going to be on the main for a few hours. We're a new Harry Potter Universe RP. This group is for those who've always wanted to receive Hogwarts letter, you'll get to play out life in a Wizarding school except in a university setting.  So send in some questions, or even better yet, some applications for our students!


- Admin Xy

Gabrielle Delacour

Age: 20
Blood status: Quarter-Veela
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts

Suggested faceclaim: Dove Cameron or Stephanie Styles
Suggested house: Amethyst or Sapphire
Suggested area of study: Fashion, Dance, or Business


  • Fleur Delacour- Sister. Gabrielle loves her sister, there is no question about that. But as she went on into her teenage years, after the triwizard tournament, she couldn't help but feel like she was living in her shadow, and became determent to make a name for herself. Not to mention that it slightly broke her hear that her sister gave up on saving her during the second trial.
  • Harry Potter- Respects.Harry was the one who chose to save her during the second tri-wizard trials, even thought it wasn't his task to do so. She greatly appreciated it, and secretly was rooting for him to win. Despite her sister compeating.
  • Ron Weasley - Slightly Annoyed. It seems fairly clear that Ron has a crush on her, however, it seems, at least so far, that he is only into her because of her good looks and charm as a Quarter Veela.

Gabrielle Delacouris currently Open For Application

Lee Jordan

Age: 23
Blood status: Half-Blood
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts

Suggested faceclaim: Aubrey Joseph orJohn Boyega
Suggested house: Carnelian or Citrine
Suggested area of study: Journalism, Business, or Theatre


  • George Weasley- Best Friends. Fred and George were Lee's best friends while attending Hogwarts. The three of them got into all sorts of adventures and troubles. After Fred passed, Lee became a shoulder for George to lean on, but also a friend who was able to help him move forward, as his family were still as drowned in grief as George was.
  • Oliver Wood- Childhood Friends. Few know this, but Lee and Oliver grew up in the same town. Oliver was what fueled Lee's obsession with Quidditch, and although he was far from an athlete himself, he enjoyed pretending to commentate the kids matches like a professional. If it wasn't for Oliver, he would have never become a commentator at Hogwarts.
  • Katie Bell - Party dislikes. Oliver and Katie are the best of friends, but Lee has to admit he never really liked her. To Lee, she is too cocky and focused on Quidditch and seems to think too highly of herself. He'd rather enjoy people who knows to not take themselves to seriously.

Lee Jordanis currently Open For Application

Phaedra Diane Avery

Age: 21
Blood status: Half-Blood
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts
Wand: 9" Willow Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, Swishy.
Patronus: Granian Winged Horse.
Boggart: Her Father.
Amortentia's smell: Petrichor, the lingering scent of the sea, vanilla wafers, chamomile tea, the fireplace burning in the Slytherin Common Room.
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts.
+ Observant, Charming, Determined
 - Anxious, Manipulative, Withdrawn

Faceclaim: Virginia Gardner
House: Amethyst
Area of study: Healer
Clubs & Sports: Dueling Club.

Connections: Coming Soon!

Phaedra Diane Averyis currently Taken by Destinee

"My journey gave me a magic wand, and it's changed the man that I am. I was able to muster this kind of courage that I never, ever had in my life" - .Arnel Pineda


Broom Making

A broom-maker work with creating as well as enchanting the brooms used for flying transportation as well as in Quidditch matches worldwide. In the past century, broomakers have increased both in numbers and reputation as brooms are being created to be both faster and more balanced than ever before.

   Records show that witches and wizards in Europe were using brooms as early as A.D. 962. A German manuscript of this period shows three warlocks dismounting from their brooms with looks of exquisite discomfort on their faces.The first brooms bewitched were neither comfortable nor aerodynamic (they had rough twigs at the end and unvarnished handles), and in 1107 Scottish wizard Guthrie Lochrin wrote of the "splinter-filled buttocks and bulging piles" after a short ride from Montrose to Arbroath.

   The charms on the broom were also basic; they would move at one speed and could only go up, down, and stop. Wizard families generally constructed their own brooms, so there was a variation in speed and comfort depending on the skill of the builder. By the twelfth century, wizards began to barter services, and skilled broommakers could trade their services for goods such as the potions of a neighbor.

The earliest known wandmakers were druids, who thought any plant that had a woody stem could be used in wandmaking. In Britain at least, it was normal for the purchaser of a wand to provide their own core or request something specific, generally a traditional or well-liked substance.

Retrieved from the official Harry Potter Wiki.



  • Each week the student is to submit one of the following:
  • Draw or design a broom and describe taking it on a test flight.
  • Describe the shape and design of a broom and describe taking it on a test flight. Even if the test flight does not go as planned.

Katie Bell

Age: 22
Blood status: Pure-Blood
Former Wizardry School: Hogwarts

Suggested faceclaim: Sofia Carson, Camila Mendes

Suggested house: Amethyst, Citrine

Suggested area of study: Flying, Curse-Breaking, Dance


  • Oliver Wood- Close friends. Oliver and Katie connected very early on, despite Katie being a year younger. They shared the same passion and love for Qudditch, and always pushed each other to get better. Even after Hogwarts, the two of them train together regularly.
  • Harry Potter- Respects. Sure, Katie was a little bitter that Harry became team captain once Oliver left, but then again, she only had one year left at Hogwarts, Harry had two. She respected him as a captain then, and still has a lot of respect for the man.
  • Draco Malfoy - Dislikes. How utterly corrupt and disgusting is it, that this blonde child literally bought his way onto the Slytherin team. Draco Malfoy, to Katie, is the representation of everything that is wrong with the Slytherin house.

Katie Bellis currently Open For Application

fleur delacour sister


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